
If you have the knowledge and resource that you are willing to share for other passionate learners, you can enter the challenge.

How to participate?

Participation is straightforward - register on ERTECH, then head to the registration form on and create your studylist.


What are the requirements?

You must publish your studylist on ERTECH before the deadline. Studylists must have a minimum of one video and each video should be no longer than 7 minutes.

Inspiration starts from you


"If you want to master something, teach it."

-Richard Feynman

How to choose a topic?

You can choose any topic you want as long as it's educational.

  • 💡 SAT, TOELF, IELTS бэлтгэл
  • 💡 Загасчин 101
  • 💡 Пянз арчлах арга
  • 💡 6-р ангийн Дэлхийн түүх
  • 💡 Гэртээ компост хийх арга
  • 💡 Монбүшо хичээл
  • 💡 Машин шаварт суувал яах вэ ?
  • 💡 АНУ аяллын виз процесс
  • 💡 Ааруул хийх арга
  • 💡 10-р ангийн Физик хичээл
  • 💡 Skateboarding
  • 💡 Хайлмаг хэрхэн хийх вэ?
  • 💡 Код бичих
  • 💡 Чацарганы мод тарьж арчлах
  • 💡 Ньютоны 2-р хууль
  • 💡 Dota 101